Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bear - bears and more bears

This is just a sample of the wonderful bears we have in our shop.

These darlings are made out of German mohair. Each bear has shoe button eyes, pearl cotton noses, wool felt paw pads and five loose joints to give them that old bear feel.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Goodies found in our shop

This is a working 1946 Howard radio. Can't you just see a family gathered around the radio waiting for the latest episode of 'The Shadow"?

Sitting on the radio is one of the dolls we carry all dressed in red.

On top of the picnic basket is a picture thats been created using punchneedle, an old craft that's found it's way back into popularity. Here at our shop we offer classes in Punchneedle and also offer supplies. If you're interested in taking a class send us an email and we'll get back to you with the class schedule.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

The story continues...

...Because the three of us make all kinds of hand crafted items that range from mohair bears to raggedy dolls, from hooked rugs to little girl's tutus and over the years we've met others who are so very talented we knew we wanted to showcase that talent. The problem was none of us really had the money to buy all the great primitive things we wanted - so we started a consignment shop. Neatest part of a consignment shop - our items change all the time, are one of a kind and made in the USA. At this point we have about 15 crafters but are always looking for talented crafters who would like to bring their work into our shop to sell.

Here are a couple pictures of the goodies we have.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Welcome to our shop